The Leadership Break is a new podcast from Aiyana Coaching that provides useful tidbits on how to be a better leadership coach – for others and for yourself. As a leader, you sometimes forget to lead yourself to self-care, self-growth and self-gratitude. We’re here to help with that!
Each episode is easily digestible at about 15 minutes for a quick, helpful nugget on your drive to work, during your afternoon coffee break or on a weekend morning before your household becomes chaotic. Each episode offers insights and practical tools for navigating challenges like self-doubt, burnout and the ever-evolving definition of success.
Many times it’s easy to spot burnout in someone else. We can see it on their face, in their quality of work, in their posture, in their health. Then why is it so difficult to recognize those same symptoms of burnout in ourselves? Instead, we just tend to pack them away and put on a brave face for others. Or so we think.
So let’s take a Leadership Break together while we pause, gather strength and rebuild. Give yourself permission to feel or express your feelings in the moment and don’t try to bury them. Instead, let’s go ahead and unpack what’s causing your burnout, how to move through it and grab some tools for a better tomorrow, next week or year.
Remember, taking a break isn’t just a pause, it’s a powerful step forward.
Redefining Success + The Power of Taking a Break
Music by Chris Collins, https://indiemusicbox.com/
Leading through Doubt: Handling Imposter Syndrome
Episode One: Redefining success
What does success mean to you?
Good question. More than likely, it has changed over the years, just like you have. You’ve changed as a person, where you are in life and what goals you have set for yourself. Therefore, your definition of success should grow with you.
Success should match you and your goals, not someone else’s. What is good for your co-worker or best friend might not be the same definition of success for you. Make sure you find what’s best for you.
Here are a couple take-aways from the first episode of The Leadership Break and how to redefine success.
- Redefine what success means to you (not to someone else). For instance, having an office space doesn’t mean you’re successful. Maybe moving to a now available space in your home serves the same purpose and allows for you to be more present for your family and saves money on renting a space elsewhere.
- Write out what success means to you. Make a list and complete this sentence as many times as you need. “I know I’m successful when…” That doesn’t mean such a comprehensive list it feels overwhelming. It means defining success at work, at home, for your health, etc.
- Start each day by journaling. Take a few minutes for yourself to write down your goals. Those goals could be for the day, the week or the year. It’s healthy to set your sights on attainable goals and work toward them. Also, make sure to acknowledge something you’re grateful for that day. It’s a positive way to remember that even when you’re struggling, there’s always good in your life.
Remember, success is not static. It changes and grows, just like you do.
Episode Two: Handling imposter syndrome
In the next episode, we explore imposter syndrome and how to navigate through those feelings of doubt. Stop back bimonthly where we tackle a new topic and explore how to work through it together.
You can find The Leadership Break on the Aiyana Coaching website, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Subscribe to The Leadership Break
Join me on this fun new adventure into the podcast world where we will unpack a new topic bimonthly. Subscribe, leave a review or join me as a guest for more discussion. Make sure to reach out to Aiyana Coaching to suggest any topic you want to hear more about in the future.